Wednesday, September 7, 2011

3DTV Struggling

So, how is 3DTV doing so far? According to the New York Post, 3DTV is struggling. It appears ESPN, one of the early champions of 3DTV, considered pulling out last year, but worst of all, 3DTV might be dragging down the entire TV industry!

Swann believes 3-D has scared and confused consumers -- and is now tanking the entire retail television marketplace.

In a recent survey of 45,000 households, Riddhi Patel of research firm IHS iSuppli found that America's "ongoing love affair with television" -- new and improved sets, that is -- may be over.

Her research found that only 13 percent of those surveyed planned on purchasing a new set in the next 12 months.

Patel says potential TV buyers are most interested in price, picture quality and Internet connectability -- not 3-D.
I point this out because I've said it before and I'll say it again: Pushing things on consumers that they don't want never works. 3D is something that people like in movies. It's a once-in-a-while treat, not an everyday thing.

In fact, the easiest device for viewing 3D is the 3DS, and sales on the 3DS are struggling. Sure, there are other factors at play (most notably, price) but still.

How did manufacturers think that 3DTV, with its bulky glasses and so-so picture, was going to succeed? The mind boggles.

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