Tuesday, August 30, 2011

NES Games Announced For 3DS Ambassadors

The list of NES games available for the 3DS Ambassador program was released today. Let's go through them one by one and see if they're worth it.

Super Mario Bros. - Worth It - We've all played this game so many times. I think my fingers involuntarily twitch to Super Mario Bros. in my sleep. It was a given that they'd offer it. Still a fun game, though.

The Legend of Zelda - Worth It - Ditto with The Legend of Zelda. If they're shooting for nostalgia, then fine. They picked the right games.

Balloon Fight - Not Worth It - Seriously? Balloon Fight? I suppose we're lucky they didn't give us Clu Clu Land.

Ice Climber - Not Worth It - Maybe if the two-player stuff works this might be fun. Otherwise, a big pass.

Donkey Kong Jr. - Not Worth It - Why not Donkey Kong Classics instead? That had Donkey Kong AND Donkey Kong Jr. and it was released in 1984. Maybe then it would be worth it.

Metroid - Worth It - It's outdated now, but as an introduction to gaming, Metroid is fine. It'll be nice to play it without passwords.

Open Tournament Golf - Meh - It was an OK game for it's time. I dunno.

Wrecking Crew - Worth It - If only for the level creation aspect.

Yoshi - Not Worth It - SUCH a boring puzzle game. You literally can't lose. I've tried to lose at it and it simply doesn't happen.

Zelda II: The Adventure of Link - Worth It - If only to see one of the Zelda series' major departures.

So there we have it. Five games that are worth something, 4 that aren't and 1 that's middling. As much I don't want to complain about free stuff, come on.

I really hope that ALL the Super Mario Advance games are available, or someone's getting punched in the throat.

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